Monday, April 20, 2015

To the next level with hrmantra 

HRMantra helps in keeping an all round tab on the performance of your employees by getting them appraised in an unbiased manner by their bosses, their subordinates, their clients, their peer group, the HRD and the employee himself. These performance reviews are online, can be customized to each position and done whenever required. The performance chart of the appraised employees can be viewed through 3D customizable dashboards. This will help you in monitoring in which direction your employee’s performance is moving in terms of Readiness, Final Rating and Potential. You will also quickly know percentage of pending PMSs as also eligibility for PMSs department wise. You can do inter year analysis of performance to check which employees performances have degraded or improved dramatically compared to last year. You can create any number of PMS levels like self, HOD, peer groups or sub-ordinates giving you the options to set 180 or 360 degree PMS system. Each of the PMS levels can have different weightages and select whether one PMS level can see the other person’s evaluation or not. You can create competencies matrix and map it to a role giving different weightages to each competency. Similarly create the key result areas (KRA’s) at any organizational hierarchy level and for each such department for a certain KRA you may have many key performance indicators or measures. You can create goal setting with the help of KRA’s and there is also a balanced score card with its 4 perspectives. In order to identify training needs of an employee at the time of PMSs, create a competency development method and decide its options.
  The KRA form can be opened for the employee to see and set KRA’s by self. You may have different PMS formats for different organizational hierarchies and user levels so as to get an accurate performance evaluation. In the final PMS form, the PMS committee can review the scores of the appraisee and the appraisers. After checking their scores they can give recommendations and also decide what kind of training programs he needs to undergo to be able to handle his next job assignments properly. You can also do succession planning with the help of color-coding theory. There are lots of readymade reports for quick analysis. In Final Appraisal Options A page named 'Final Appraisal Options' has been added under the Settings of the PMS Module. The settings like formulae, rating tables ,normalization settings and recommendation settings for Process Final Review can be made from this page. A checkbox named 'Validate kpms 100% wtg' is available , it validates the parent kra's wtg or wtg of all the kras' when ticked. eg:- Incase if you want the kpm % to be less than 100%,  say- 80% then you need to uncheck this checkbox .  In Review Structure page a checkbox 'is confirmation form' is been added. This checkbox when ticked for a structure, opens up the confirmation form for an employee else performance evaluation form will be opened.
In Employee Information A provision has been made to display the monthly timesheet of the appraisee. Summary of KRA score, Competency score and their respective ratings will be displayed in a tabular format for the appraisee/reviewers reference before submitting the form. Hence a reviewer can make changes in the review and competency pages if he is not satisfied with the score. The remark field on the recommendation tab can be made mandatory,provided 'Remark Compulsory' checkbox in the options tab of the review structure needs to be checked. Master driven checkbox named 'submit all pages incase of pages saved as draft' is available on the submit tab of performance evaluation form.It allows the reviewer to submit the performance evaluation form even if he has saved the pages as draft. Review History of All And Self Review History, two new pages have been included in the selfservices of PMS module. Allows an employee to view his review history for a selected structure & Allows a user to view the review history of the employee whom he has reviewed.  In Performance Evaluation form ,In Recommendation tab when selecting the increment option , It allows the employees to specify the percentage of the fixed and variable annual CTC and calculates the proposed CTC accordingly.

On selecting the 'send it to previous level' option, it now allows reviewers to select which page they want to send back to employees to re-fill. When reviewers send back it becomes compulsory for employees to re-fill and submit again.  In Performance Evaluation Form, a checkbox named 'Save as draft' is been added in the performance evaluation form/Confirmation form.This feature allows the user who is filling his performance evaluation form to save it to drafts before actually submitting it. In Task Tracking under Manage Task Data a checkbox named 'Close/Unclose review data ' is been added. This checkbox allows the user to close unclose review for a particular cycle by selecting any one radio button either Close Review or Unclose Review. In competency Mapping Page , A feature named 'Hide Ratings' is been added in the competency mapping page . This feature allows the user to show only those ratings in the competency tab of the Performance Evaluation Form/Confirmation form against each competency which he wishes to show out of all the defined ratings. A page named Organisation Task setting is available in the activities of the PMS module. This page allows a user to set goals according to selected organisational hierarchy. The effect of this page will be further seen in the Performance Evaluation Form where it provides a reference to the employee/reviewer while doing task setting. In Competency Mapping Import/Export a page named Competency Mapping Import/Export is been included in the Settings under Competencies of PMS module . Hence competencies can now be imported/exported from the application.

Reports we provide :

1 PMS Final Rating Count Report

2 PMS Key Result Area Report

3 List Of Appraisors

4 PMS Potential Count Report

5 PMS Readiness Count Report

6 Critical Areas Of PMS

7 Employees Actual Performance Register

8 Employee Actual Performance Year Wise Report

9 Employee wise PMS Report

10 Final PMS Detail

11 Final PMS Summary

12 Final Recommendation Register

13 List Of All Eligible Employees For Training

14 PMS Evaluation Summary

15 PMS Eligibility Count Report

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#HR Payroll Software
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