Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Why HRMS (Human Resource Management System) in a organization ?

If we talk about the most important department in a business organization, it is undoubtedly the human resource department. The reason is that the human resource department is responsible for hiring, training, and rewarding the staff members. And in case the right type of employees is not hired, the consequences can be dreadful.

To introduce utmost ease in the operations of the human resource department, experts have developed HRM software. Such a software assists the human resource department in numerous HR tasks such as hiring, payroll, and employee benefits.

While most companies are using an online HR software in their human resource departments, some companies are still reluctant to use it in their companies. They regard it as an extra expense rather than an investment. Let us look at some of the reasons why companies should use an HR management software in their businesses.

Workload management:

An HRMS software helps to reduce the workload of the human resource department. Such a software provides them a single place, where they can organize and record all the HR activities. Thus, such a software helps them to organize all the tasks very effectively.


Hiring is the most important task a human resource department needs to perform. Such a software provides you with a space, where you can post all the job advertisements. Through the same software, you can receive CVs of the interested candidates and track them. So you need to use such software in your organization for the purpose of making hiring easier.

Information hub:

Handling bulk of information regarding employees can be troublesome at times for the HR department. To solve this problem, you may use a human resource software, because it also acts an HRIS software. So it will be very easy for you to handle all the important data regarding the employees.


If the clerical tasks, such as record keeping and payroll, are performed by the software, then the employees in the human resource department can focus on more important issues such as employee training designs and crafting job designs. This increases the productivity of the HR department.

Many businesses are able to achieve superior performance by using an HR management software. Using such a software helps the HR department to be more effective in its operations, which in turn has good impacts on the overall business performance.

There are HR & Payroll softwares like HRMantra,which gives you a complete hire to retire web based HR Payroll software with free mobile application exhaustively covering every corner of HR and Payroll domain with more than 10 modules.

Following are the modules that HRMantra cater to:
1. Core and HRIS: This is the heart of the system wherein employee database is stored and Exit formalities are taken care.
2. Staffing: E recruitment module wherein on boarding formalities are taken care of.
3. Leave
4. Attendance: where in the module is synced to the biometrics as well there are various methods like single sign on or login logout facilities are enabled.
5. Admin: Wherein claims,assets ,travel expense and helpdesk formalities are take care of.
6. PMS: Performance of all employees are taken care of it could be any structure followed in the company i.e 90 degrees,180,360 degree.
7. Training: E learning module wherein everything related to the training of an employee is taken care of and it is linked to the PMS cycle.                                       8) Payroll

HRMantra Software Pvt Ltd

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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The World is Automating, where are you? Come automate with HRMantra (Project Module)

  • Enter client details with information like name, industry type, contact details of client, address, billing details and statutory aspects like TAN, VAT etc
  • Assign clients based on skill sets needed and assign roles like Manager and Coordinator and distinguish clients based on Project Cost whether fixed or slab or rate based
  • Resource assigning to projects based on duration. Applications can be made by Managers for resources and approvals can be based on availability
  • Resources can be distinguished as billable or non billable for projects assigned
  • Timesheet application by project resource which can monitor the billable hours and based on which invoices for bills can be raised
  • Based on Cost and billable hours of resources analytics can be generated like Project Profitability

HRMantra Software Pvt Ltd


Email id : sales@hrmantra.com

Call :+91 9167796002 / 9167747782


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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Optimise competencies. Increase productivity

  • You may have many training cycles within a training year. Create any number of training topic hierarchies like category and sub-category within those topics.
  • A training program can consist of many training topics and these programs can then be set at your company, department or designation levels.
  • Also create training cost heads and the cost structure for each of these heads based on a formula.
  • For a set of training needs identification question group, create a set of questions, which an employee can answer subjectively or in response to some objective options.
  • You can also set the details of the internal or external training faculty with details like the kind of training topics they conduct along with the fees charged and the number of programs conducted.
  • Employees can fill up TNI application forms and HR can nominate employees for a training program thus from 4 different lists: TNI by self, TNI through appraisal, TNI through HOD and employees not identified for training.
  • If a training program can have only 10 participants, then HR can choose employees from these lists and send an email to them saying they have been nominated for that training program.
  • On completion of the training program, the employees can give their feedback of the program online and the faculty can also rate the performance of the participants.
  • Evaluate the actual cost of the training programs conducted and compare the same with the estimated cost giving the justification for the cost escalation in the remarks column.
  • An employee can view the training program calendar online which is dynamically created and there are a whole lot of ISO standard training program reports already created.
HRMantra Software Pvt Ltd


Email id : sales@hrmantra.com
Call :+91 9167796002 / 9167747782


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Monday, September 7, 2015

Track.Review. Reward high performers


  • HRMantra helps in keeping an all round tab on the performance of your employees by getting them appraised in an unbiased manner by their bosses, their subordinates, their clients, their peer group, the HRD and the employee himself. These performance reviews are online, can be customized to each position and done whenever required.
  • The performance chart of the appraised employees can be viewed through 3D customizable dashboards.
  • This will help you in monitoring in which direction your employee’s performance is moving in terms of Readiness, Final Rating and Potential.
  • You will also quickly know percentage of pending appraisals as also eligibility for appraisals department wise. You can do inter year analysis of performance to check which employees performances have degraded or improved dramatically compared to last year.
  • You can create any number of appraisal levels like self, HOD, peer groups or sub-ordinates giving you the options to set 180 or 360 degree appraisal system. Each of the appraisal levels can have different weightages and select whether one appraisal level can see the other person’s evaluation or not.
  • You can create competencies matrix and map it to a role giving different weightages to each competency. Similarly create the key result areas (KRA’s) at any organizational hierarchy level and for each such department for a certain KRA you may have many key performance indicators or measures.
  • You can create goal setting with the help of KRA’s and there is also a balanced score card with its 4 perspectives.
  • In order to identify training needs of an employee at the time of appraisals, create a competency development method and decide its options.
  • The KRA form can be opened for the employee to see and set KRA’s by self.
  • You may have different appraisal formats for different organizational hierarchies and user levels so as to get an accurate performance evaluation.
  • In the final appraisal form, the appraisal committee can review the scores of the appraisee and the appraisers. After checking their scores they can give recommendations and also decide what kind of training programs he needs to undergo to be able to handle his next job assignments properly.
  • You can also do succession planning with the help of color-coding theory.
  • There are lots of readymade reports for quick analysis.
HRMantra Software Pvt Ltd


Email id : sales@hrmantra.com
Call :+91 9167796002 / 9167747782


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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Easily manage travel, expenses & claim reimbursements

  • Helpdesk request applications are escalated to the concerned people on the basis of the ticket numbers that are generated.
  • The request progress can be tracked by the management to see whether that issue is still open or closed.
  • We have also created a Knowledge management base wherein past answers to requests, FAQs etc can be stored and easily retrieved for handling similar issues again.
  • It also keeps a tab on the assets like PCs, AC’s etc allotted to the employees and, who is in-charge of allotting, revoking and clearing it and what is the value of the asset.
  • Employees can submit their medical and petrol bills online and the software can check their limits, which gets reflected in the payroll module on real-time basis.
  • You can create a basket of claim re-imbursement heads whose payout frequency can be monthly, quarterly or yearly. The balance can be paid out in any of the pay head in any month.
  • Set limits to each claim type, which can be tax exempt, and in case an employee has not given the supporting for the same then it can be automatically given in one stroke in the last month of March after making it taxable.
  • There is also a provision to do manual claim entries by the HOD or HR in case the employee crosses his limits or he doesn’t have online access to HRMantra. Extremely detailed local, intra city and international travel request management can be done.

HRMantra Software Pvt Ltd


Email id : sales@hrmantra.com
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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Monitor your leave at anytime!!

  • Picture
    • HRMantra has a global leave module-we can set leave system for any firm worldwide however complicated in a few hours. Employees do not need a paper based leave history card or leave application form.
    • Leave rules can be set at any hierarchy like grade, department or location levels.
    • You can create your own letter templates for leave applications and approvals in case you wish to change the standard predefined letter provided by HRMantra.
    • You can define any number of leave names and compensatory off. For each of these leave names, you can define any number of sub leave names. For e.g. whether casual leave can be encashed or not and whether it can be deducted if an employee comes late etc.
    • Different employees can be given different leave accounting year so that in the month of December you do not have lots of employees applying for leaves which are getting lapsed.
    • Total leaves in a year can be set with provision for maximum or minimum leaves at a time.
    • A particular leave can be carried forward based on age or direct in a different leave type.
    • You can define maximum and minimum number of leaves to be encashed at a time keeping a certain balance in your account and as to how many maximum times in a year an employee can encash in a year.
    • Any kind of complicated Leave rules can be credited either on advance / pro rata / accumulated or on accrued basis on monthly quarter or yearly basis using our very powerful formula builder.
    • Certain leaves like maternity leave need not be made visible in the leave application form. Such leaves can be manually approved by the HRD when required.
    • You can define whether an employee can take half a day and whether leaves reasons have to be shown as also his contact numbers.
    • In case an employee does not have a balance then you can define negative leave balance up to a certain number of days which he can still take without his salary getting cut and his next year’s leave opening balance gets reduced to that many number of days.
    • Prefix, suffix and sandwiching rules can be easily set and whether you want to include the weekly offs, public holidays and paid leave as a part of that leave application.
    • You can also set how many days notice period have to be given before an employee applies for a leave.
    • In case an employee is going on leave and he makes another employee within his department his backup then the backup employee will not be allowed to apply for leave during this leave period.
    • In case an employee takes a leave on a particular day which is very important to your business (for e.g Sunday for retail industry as majority of people come for shopping on that day) then you can decide to cut leave based on a incremental formula.
    • You can also check how many employees are going to be on leave in a certain period for advanced leave planning.
    • Leave balances and rules can be seen, applied and approved online by all employees in a few clicks and can also be bypassed in case an immediate superior is not present. Leave applications are connected to your mail server.
    • The week before your leave management module has to go live, you can import the leaves taken by all the employees in that year as also the carry forward from the previous year through an excel sheet.
    • In case an employee is not having an online access to HRMantra then the concerned superior or the HRD can manually approve his leave application.
    • Leaves data can be adjusted manually either added or reduced from the existing leave balance
    HRMantra Software Pvt Ltd


    Email id : sales@hrmantra.com
    Call :+91 9167796002 / 9167747782


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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Monitor your Attendance

  • HRMantra has been configured to pick up swipe card data from any access control system directly on real time basis. HRMantra can pick up attendance data from any reader automatically on a real-time basis from all locations giving you instant analysis at the head office as to who has come at what time without calling anyone in any location.
  • The attendance month period can be set different than the calendar month to take into account the cutoff provision to be able to give salaries on the 1st of every month.
  • Public holidays can be different for different sets of employees and you can give the employees the right to choose maximum holidays in a year.
  • You can define any number of fixed / flexi and semi flexi shifts in a day by defining the number of hours to be worked in a day and after how many hours the half day starts and whether the timeout can be on the next day.
  • Any combination of weekly offs can be set for a group of employees based on every (say) Sunday and / or 1st /2nd / 3rd / 4th and 5th (say) Saturday or on the basis of even / odd monthly or even / odd yearly occurrences of the day of the week.
  • You can configure any number of attendance readers based on any number of organizational hierarchies and also decide whether you want to pick up the data from a file or from the database on online real time basis. There can be separate readers for in time and out time records.
  • HRMantra also has a provision of separate permission cards which can be used to regularize attendance of employees who have come late to office coming in a company bus or have to be sent early in case of riots or heavy rains but it should record normal shift out.
  • Attendance methods in HRMantra can be based on monthly register, daily attendance register or thru swipe card or biometric card with provision to give grace periods. In case there is swipe card record and leave application of an employee on the same day, then you can choose whether you want to consider attendance or leave as the status of the day.
  • You can set very powerful absenteeism rules like:-
  • Set weekly offs as absent if weekly is found between two absent
  • Set public holiday as absent if public holiday is found between two absents
  • Set weekly offs as absent if absence is found before or after weekly offs
  • Set public holiday as absent if absence is found before or after public holiday.
  • You can also decide whether an employee can regularize his attendance within how many days after his absence and the same can be approved within how many days of the attendance regularization submission.
  • Employees can regularize their attendance online thru employee self service in case they forget to bring their swipe card.
  • Auto shift rotation could be easily done employee group wise based on n number of shifts & weekly offs.
  • Very powerful late coming, early going, monthly deficit hours and overtime policies can be set and whether the same be adjusted against an employee’s leave or salary based on fixed or multiple time or salary amount. You can also set maximum over time hours that can be taken and OT can start after how many minutes after shift out time. Condonement can also be done which regularizes the time but keeps a record of the actual time when an employee comes late or goes early.
  • In case an employee is going out of office for duty or is working overtime, then such applications can be routed through it.
  • The attendance process for an employee can be closed once his actual attendance processing is done so that he cannot go in the closed period and regularize his attendance.
HRMantra Software Pvt Ltd


Email id : sales@hrmantra.com
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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Recruit the best leaders.


  • Staffing module can be mapped to any job sites like Monster or Naukri for importing downloaded CV’s directly into HRMantra. Also, the candidates can fill their profile sheets and submit their resumes online. As a result of this, candidate details such as official, qualification, academic, experience etc. are maintained in this module.
  • There is a detailed page for campus recruitments as well. You can also set your Consultant related information and import candidate CV’s provided by them.
  • All the Head of Department’s can fill the talent requisition application forms giving details of the number of employees required to be filled for a particular position along with their experience, age band, set of qualifications, skills and functions that they should possess.
  • Searching for candidates based on a particular criterion is very easy through the search engine option. But the best part is you can also do a candidate search based on the requisitions that have been approved by the HR.
  • After short listing the candidates, you need to send them for screening. From the screening list you can select candidates who need to be called for an interview.
  • HR can send email / SMS to candidates in one click asking them to appear for an interview which can be taken online.
  • Also, if you want to make the candidates appear for any Aptitude, IT, etc. related tests then you can create online tests wherein you can design the tests as per your requirements.
  • Once all the interviewers have finished taking the interviews for a certain position then the HR can select the candidate who has got the best rating and create an offer letter from the software.
  • One click Candidate to Employee conversion can also be done.
  • Another important feature here is that you can publish approved requisitions to your employees and they can apply for a certain vacant position that is higher compared to their current position within the organization.
HRMantra Software Pvt Ltd


Email id : sales@hrmantra.com
Call :+91 9167796002 / 9167747782


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